Posted On 19. August 2013 By In Music, Reviews With 1146 Views

The Dodos – Carrier

Don’t slow down
Who has it all? Act happy

It’s monday morning, there’s a long weekend behind you with too many cigarettes, too much to drink and the fast food to cure the hangover that you immediately regret, once you’ve finished it up. Mondays are usually grey. They call for a lie in. They cry out holiday more than any other day of the week (except for friday). So if we say there’s a soundtrack for every minute or situation in life, what would the soundtrack of a monday be? Would it be a raving dance track to get you going? Would it be a smooth jazz record to suit a quieter mood? Or would it be a thundering burst of hardcore?

To me it would be something like Carrier, the new record by US-duo The Dodos. There are some absolutely lovely melodies on this record. The vocals are more focused than what I had remembered. It’s this steady 1960s vibe that floats along the record that keeps your attention. Some records make the mistake of sounding lovely, but then squander into the realms of background noise. This record is too good to do that. Mind you, Dodos records were never for the narrow-minded or the easy listening section. They assemble swerving guitar melodies and brilliant drumming. When i say that, I don’t mean the kind of mad musician that only plays to show off. It’s always helping the song and the music.

Like a monday morning, this album helps you to get out of bed. It will prepare you for the week to come on your way to work. It will send sunrays in. It will take the edge off of your mind. It does help you to see the happier times that are ahead. It soothes your hangover. If you are lucky, it will remind you of the girl you met, the boy you kissed or that awkward moment, when your best friend threw up right on the dance floor. Carrier is an album for your memories, for dreams, for dreamers and then, at the end, it eases you back to reality. We should be thankful for albums like this. I know I am. And I will press play again, and again and again. Until I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that a new week is always a new start. For what’s behind us, there’s always the Dodos!

The album is out soon on Polyvinyl Records! You can buy the album here.

The Dodos & Magik*Magik Orchestra „The Ocean“ from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

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From the beginning to the end, I will see this through. This has grown from a blog about the music I love to something bigger and I will keep looking for the great stuff out there. Keep the great music coming!

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