Posted On 15. März 2015 By In Video With 1371 Views

Love A – Trümmer

I highly doubt that there are a lot of people out there who remember what it was like to spend your time outside with your friends instead of inside in front of a computer screen playing video games and stuff? Well I do recall that my father had a friend who was one of the first people I knew who had a computer. Don’t ask me what kind of computer it was, but he always tried to show us some kind of strategy game centered around Napoleon. It was on one (or more) of these massive floppy discs and it never booted up. So I could not tell you if it had the same look as ‚Trümmer‘ by Love A. Maybe that’s already a little further down the line? I’m guessing Winter Games‘ aera?

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From the beginning to the end, I will see this through. This has grown from a blog about the music I love to something bigger and I will keep looking for the great stuff out there. Keep the great music coming!