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Two chords are all it takes to get drawn into this record. What follows is a quick fix of lo-fi pop no wave teenie punk galore. 9 Songs – less than 15 Minutes. If the band wanted to make this album some kind of statement, then well done guys. Usually I can listen to the album in its entity twice on my way to work and believe me, it’s not a long way to work. I love putting this album on in the morning. Especially when it is freezing outside.Read More
She stepped outside into the morning air To watch the cars go by and let the sun dry her hair It’s cold outside. Winter has returned after misleading us into believing it had just been here for a short stint. Apparently it just took a little detour round the corner, like a hurricane, keeping all quiet in the midst of it before letting all hell loose again. I am living in the middle of the biggest city in Germany and one would guess that snow is not a common goodRead More